Why Do We Care About Tourism Sustainability?

Why Do We Care About Tourism Sustainability?

This article was fisrt published by Al Watan newspaper


We all know that Earth's resources are finite, despite their vastness. It's also well-known that the world is experiencing unprecedented economic, social, and environmental crises. We have recently discovered as humans that the economy cannot thrive alone because it is simply one pillar of a triadic pyramid shared with society and the environment. Today, we witness clear climate changes around the world, in addition to social crises and the disappearance of local cultures at the expense of the dominant work and market culture.


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So, what does this have to do with tourism?

Tourism forms a fundamental economic pillar for countries, allowing people around the world to enjoy the planet's various natural resources, support other nations' economies, and empower local communities. However, tourism burdens the planet with the crises it causes. The aviation and transportation movements alone contribute significantly to carbon emissions. Large companies also cause harm by focusing on profitability at the expense of the environment and empowering local communities. Then come the irresponsible behaviors of tourists, causing further damage. The same question remains: Will all of Earth's current resources be available for future generations? Or will we be the ones to hasten their end?

What's the solution, then?

To date, there is no global consensus on clear sustainability policies that can be applied to all global markets to preserve the environment, develop the economy, and empower communities. The subject is complex, as the term "sustainability" itself does not have a universally agreed definition. Therefore, the study of sustainability has flourished in various fields and markets, including the tourism sector. Everyone around the world is almost agreed on the goals, including those published by the United Nations represented in 17 Sustainable Development Goals concerning the economy, the environment, and society. However, differences in methods and strategies are inevitable, as policies suitable for icebergs do not apply to deserts or jungles. Each community and sector has its peculiarities and challenges, and thus, its different solutions.

What role do individual tourists play in all this?

For Earth to continue to provide for future generations, everyone; governments, companies, and individuals must cooperate for a better future. At the governmental level, we witness a global movement, agreements, and great initiatives, including the Middle East Green Initiative and Saudi Green led by His Royal Highness Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, and the solutions included in Saudi Vision 2030 for sustainable solutions in various sectors. Companies, too, are undergoing clear policy changes that contribute to supporting the Sustainable Development Goals, such as using renewable energy and moving towards green marketing among other responsible strategies. Finally, individuals must change their behaviors and culture, making the preservation of natural and cultural heritage an unquestionable matter.


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In short, the next time you make your travel decisions, remember that you could cause significant harm to everything around you without knowing. Therefore, your duty and mission lie in making more responsible decisions. Always keep the sustainability pyramid in your mind (local economy, environment, and society). Choose flights with lower emissions (there's a label for that on booking websites). Prefer selecting a sustainable hotel (there's a label for that on booking websites). Use your bath towels more than once, and don't waste electricity. Shop at local stores and support the local community as much as you can. Do not tamper with plants, and stay away from corals while enjoying the sea. Finally, let other creatures live and move freely, just as you do.


By: Abdulrahman Kamal

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